Monday, January 6, 2014

Hey beauties!! Good Morning and welcome to me {High on Carabou Coffee} I kind of feel guilty blogging right now, as though I could should be doing something else. Like cleaning. It's just me and my 11 year old son, whoo seems to be lost somewhere {aka in his room on his xbox} and the puppy dog, Haylee. My three girls are gone with their Nana as of late last night and won;t be returning for another 4 hours. I've done, folded and put away all the laundry. I've swept the floors, just haven't mopped yet. So I was like meh, I'm allowed an hour on the laptop this afternoon!!

So here I am. How are you?? I have the next 5 days off from work so I feel that me and my laptop are going to become closer then we ever have before. Which is awesome. I found some amazing blogs last night and this morning and am super excited to be following them. Oh, you wanna know who? Here's some you should check out!...

{1} You probably know Brittany & Chris from YouTube, she has a tumblr bog and is doing amazing!!
{2} Ashley seems very much like myself and was happy to see she blogs regularly!
{3} A Blonde Walked Into A Blog Now, I must say that the name is what pulled me into her :)
{4} Amy has a very positive outlook on life and she seems to have potential to be inspirational!!
{5} From Inside My Closet I don;t think I need to say much more, you all know this one!
{6} Trace has posts on Wednesdays called WTF Wednesday and I think they are hilarious!

I have many many more but these are my favz at the moment. Who's your favorites? Please share them with me!!!

Hope you all have an amazing day!!

Tasha - XOXO


  1. I like the list!
    will comment back -

  2. Thanks so much for sharing my WTF Wednesday :)
