Thursday, October 24, 2013

Found an amazing discovery at a local drug store!!!!

Hello lovies!!! So this news may not be super exciting for you but let me just say I was as happy as a kid in a toy store when I was at Kinney Drugs and looked down to see a whole row of Samantha Chapman's Real Technique brushes!! They has a bunch of singles and also the travel set and starter set!! I have been wanting to try them for so so long and there was many times I had them in a shopping cart on either Amazon, Samantha's website itself and ebay. Although I never went through with the purchase because I did not want to pay the $5-$7 shipping charge!

So I was in my glory and although I wanted to grab them all and just make a collection of them, I didn't. I just picked up the expert face brush for now. And after I take my shower this morning I will be using the brush (never used ANY brush for foundation before) for the first time. Depending on how impressed I am, I just may have to go back to the store and get some more different ones. I did grab the last expert brush though so they must be pretty popular.

I will update this post this afternoon after I have used it and maybe insert a couple pics. I want to go and see how people clean them though.

I know this was short and sweet but like I said, this made me so so so happy!!


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